Feng Shui for Beginners


Feng Shui is the art of balancing and harmonising the flow of natural energies in your surroundings to create beneficial effects in your life. Feng Shui can help create sacred space in your home. The principle of Feng Shui is that everything that happens in a room is recorded in the walls, floors, furniture and objects that live in there.

Your surroundings mirror your inner self, including your living space, so clearing “clutter” or “stuck energy” can transform your entire existence. It can change possibilities in your life and allow Qi (universal energy flow) to flow harmoniously.

Blockages in the flow of energy can be cause by three main things:

  • Physical grime: dirt, dust, grease.
  • Predecessor energy: energy of previous occupants is recorded in walls, floors, furniture, objects.
  • Clutter: creates obstacles to the smooth flow of energy. It stagnates your own energy flow. People can become depressed or procrastinators. For some, clutter is a sense of security.

Feng Shui Tips for Energising a Room

Remove Clutter

Piles of papers or magazines, scattered shoes and coats look messy and create negative energy-and you waste time looking for things. Keep your chairs and drawers, cabinet tops, window ledges and table tops as object-free as possible.

File needed documents and put away items daily. Purge clutter weekly, and do a major clean-up two or three times a year.

Avoid Placing Furniture in or Near a Doorway.

An entryway allows for the flow of Qi (pronounced chee) or life energy. Blocking an office doorway blocks Qi, and decreases productivity. It’s better to keep obstacles away from an entrance.

Tip: Bulky furniture such as an overstuffed couch or an extremely large desk can overpower a room and disrupt harmony, the essential goal of Feng Shui.

Select the Right Room Lighting.

Too little light can depress productivity while too much can cause glare and headaches. The right wattage depends on the size of your office and your particular work process. Warm lighting is preferable to overhead fluorescent if you spend hours on the computer. A table or standing lamp with a full-spectrum (day-balanced) bulb helps counteract gloom in a work area.

Use Mirrors.

Feng Shui precepts hold that mirrors protect against threats. Opposite a main entrance they may frighten away visitors, however. Full-length mirrors on side walls brighten a room. Energy should move upward, not down, so make sure the long edges of mirrors hang parallel with walls. Octagonal mirrors draw positive Qi.

Decorate with Plants.

Green promotes business growth, and plants brighten any work space. Bamboo and rubber plants represent good fortune, making them good houseplants. If a plant dies, dispose of it right away.

Water is Key.

In Feng Shui, water symbolises money. If your room doesn’t have room for an aquarium, use a mini interior fountain with clean, smoothly flowing water to achieve the desired effect. If you think a fountain will distract you, substitute a tasteful seascape or a picture of a waterfall.

Use Images to Reinforce Goals.

Feng Shui holds that you’re likely to achieve the outcomes you visualise. If you would like a particular desire or project, for example, prepare a sample letter or picture and put it where you can see it. Replace it as needed.

See Also
Pile of stones
Creating a Zen Garden
Butterflies in the garden
Inviting Birds and Butterflies into Your Garden